Today Hannah left for Girl Scout Camp in Wisconsin – she was SO excited, I was SO excited – we ALL were excited! The bus left at 8:30, we were there at 8:00 and she was ready to go!
We spent the last few days packing, labeling EVERYTHING she took with her and picking up the last few things that she needed (boots… long PJ’s) This has been an exceptional summer for her – not the usual summer by any means – and I don’t know who is happier about it, Hannah or Gerry.
Hannah hugged us all, thanked me profusely (now THAT made me cry!) then hugged Max again for good measure. They’re tight – Irish twins!
It means the world to Gerry to see both kids having such a great summer – it makes us so happy to see them adjusting well to St. Paul, making friends and finding cool stuff to do. We don’t dwell a lot on Gerry’s sickness, but – of course – it follows us at every moment and sometimes has to break into conversations like an excited child.
If there were ever a summer when it is important that the kids and Gerry make excellent memories, this is it! Timing is everything.
Today a new friend, London (coolest name since Hannah Brooklyn…) came over – ostensibly – to help us empty the kitchen for the contractors.
But I’d moved a lot of stuff this morning into the dining room (doing double duty, and soon the basement will be our second kitchen.)
So when London arrived, ready to work, I was tired and ready to sit and chat and knit. She agreed. No work for YOU!
As a wealthy friend in college said to me when I told her about my summer job – with absolutely no irony – “Work? That’s for the birds!” Eh, it will all get done. Every bit that needs to be done will be done.
Nothing feels better than a well deserved break, and we had a lovely visit. London showed us the yarn she’d just spun with her new wheel. Very beautiful!
Gerry came downstairs and joined us, we talked in detail about his procedure (we don’t really talk to each other about it unless we’re talking to friends, so this was good for all of us!)
The Mayo had sent a DVD outlining the blood & marrow transplant process in graphic detail. It’s very informative, but both of us wish that there were more real interviews with actual patients & caregivers.
I tell Gerry that THIS is why it’s important for him to think about starting a blog. “Think how great it would be to read about another person’s experience right now as we are entering this adventure ourselves.”
I gave London some roving that I bought at Shepherd’s Harvest, I knew I’d never get to spin it or use it in the manner I’d intended, and she’s showing such a skill for the spinning!
She divided it into strands and created faux dredlocks – fetching (I photoshopped in the beach.) Then she went home and spun it up! Another hard worker…
Later in the afternoon, a bit of private knitting, a walk with my Max (picking him up post-playdate) and much more moving of pots, pans and dishes.
I’ll work for an hour or so, then rest and knit – answer email, chart a pattern – then back up and move stuff. I will be leaving on Wed and I do NOT want Gerry to start feeling that he has to move anything around himself.
And I’m really loving this Evolution yarn from Chameleon Colorworks!
No wonder they’re sold out until late August, it’s the softest and most lovely merino I’ve every worked with! It has a cottony-silky feeling because it’s pulled before it’s spun, and knits up beautifully. I think I’m going to make a summer-wool tank top with it!
I can hardly believe that in a week we’ll be going down to Mayo. I have to say that I’m scared for Gerry. Not scared in a long-term sense as much as just wanting any discomfort or pain to be OVER.
It feels as though we’re about to enter a long, long dark tunnel. I have to let Gerry go first because it’s his journey – he’s the one who knows the way. All I can do is follow close behind and hold the flashlight straight.