So here I am (Yeehaw!) in TEXAS. Yeehaw!
Some of my luggage is – ahem – delayed. NOT lost. Just delayed.
Just taking a little side trip through the Denver Luggage Spa, n’est ce pas? Yeehaw!
That almost rhymed.
I’m staying with the owner of Hill Country Weavers, she’s run to get barbeque while I’m settling into her place with my feet up and the wifi going, blogging and enjoying the cinnamon soap. Yeehaw!My room is great – and what was waiting for me but a basket of good, good, goodies from the Austin Guild folks. Yeehaw! A very nice lady from the guild actually came by as I was waiting to get my luggage, just at the point I’d realized that my luggage was MISSING, and my total confusion / irritation just shone through.
Poor, nice lady. I didn’t mean to be so air-headed & distant, sorry! Thank you for the basket! I promise when I eat some of the chocolate from it I’ll be much more myself…
Like Any Other WeekThis was a busy week – a few doctor’s visits, finally catching up on taxes from last year, continuing to organize the kitchen – but not a lot of knitting.
Ideas are floating around – when they finally feel like coming out it will be a torrent – but for now I’m spending an inordinate amount of time arranging cereal boxes.
The kids FINALLY had their checkup with our family doctor – the diagnosis? They’re obscenely healthy. And Max needs new sox. How proud he makes me.
As long as we were all there, we all got our flu shots. Hannah, having just had a birthday, also had to get two booster shots – 3 shots in all – and she cried.
I would have, too, and she laughed when I got my shot (and pretended to cry) so all ended well. She certainly behaved more bravely that I did when I was her age.
Then the next day I returned to our family practice for some fine Minnesota Accupuncture. It did a really great job of relaxing the tense muscles in my back and adding to my mobility. Having the kitten climb on my back helps, too. He’s actually turning into a MAJOR purr-er, very loud and happy! (In this photo he’s giving Gerry hell, though…)
I still have a bit of pain – nothing like last week – and I will get back on the stick with my Yoga DVD and will finally make the acquaintance of a Chiropractor in MN.
Tomorrow is a cupcake brunch (mmmmm) and a knitting with wire class. We’re crossing our fingers that the aforementioned suitcase (with ALL of my wire stuff inside) appears in time for class. Oy.
I have a feeling this will be a fun week, but an unusual week –