It’s fall – Autumn in Minnesota, which is exceptionally beautiful! And the best part, I got to share a bit of our lovely MN crispness with Laurie!!
I picked her up and brought her home on Wed for dinner, she met Gerry & the kids & Atticus & the cats. Atticus & Hannah are BOTH in LOVE with her, and the kitten absolutely adored her. Gigi was non-commital, she’s that way.
We had some fine apple pie with custard sauce for dessert (Thanks, Amy! Your signed book is at my house!) and we all shared bad jokes and all kinds of giggly stuff.
It was a wonderful evening, and later Gerry proclaimed Laurie, “Delightful!”
And thus, a few new CAP fans were created! Arf!
Gerry was SO taken with her that insisted on going to Barnes & Noble on Thursday night – with the kids – which worked out beautifully. Laurie was funny – so self-effacing and dear and charming – what a treat!
I think everyone in the crowd was ready to take her home and I swear several women were cell phoning single sons and nephews to get their butts over to the B&N to meet this amazing, sexy, blonde best-selling author!
I was amused when Hannah raised her hand to ask what she would do if she ran into Mr. X. The answer involved Target Stores & Raoul the pool boy. (I did mention that Hannah has decided to take her as a role model, right?) Well, she’s got to learn about pool boys from someone – who better than CAP?
Gerry took the kids home while Laurie, Jennie (the potter) and I went out and had rich, fatty foods and many, many beers (thanks, Andy!) Well deserved wind-down time for all – especially the hard working Laurie! Fabulous.
A stellar evening, and one to remember! I think if we could have kept her here for another few days we’d have another MN Convert.
Eh – maybe not – she does adore her LA world… And – fires aside – who can blame her? LA’s pretty amazing…
Max’s Second SockI’m enjoying having Max’s socks as my on-flight traveling knitting. It makes me feel connected to him when I’m away. And I noticed as I was knitting his sock during Laurie’s book talk he kept glancing over at me with a big smile on his face. He likes his socks.
I’m up to the cuff on #2, and then I’ll do both heels in some really lovely green sock weight yarn given to me by A Knitted Peace, so that may be the contrasting heel (Max loves blue & green together) – we’ll see…
To get ready for CAP I finally cleaned up the dining room, putting away things and reorganizing my books. We can see all of the walls now – huzzah!
Here is my design library – research books, knitting books and books that feature my designs. When I get back from Denver I need to get serious about putting my designs from this past year into my portfolio – ever since we’ve moved I haven’t scanned a thing, so I’m WAY behind.
Light HeadedI flew into Denver today and was picked up by Jane from A Knitted Peace at the airport. I hadn’t had lunch, and felt oddly light headed. Airsick, almost – which usually doesn’t happen to me.
I chalked it up to having a beer (or three…) last night, not my normal routine before I travel, but Jane reminded me of the change in altitude. Aha!
I’m DEFINITELY feeling the effects. Crazy, man. Bed’s looking good…
Jane and I were going to go out to dinner tonight, but instead I’m going to just rest, lay low in my most BEAUTIFUL hotel room and watch some TV.
And knit. I have a project I’m working up in 1855 wool – a new yarn that is dyed using materials that were available before 1855 (when synthetic dyes were widely introduced.)
I like the yarn a lot – it’s a little bulky after fiddling with Max’s socks, but I think changing from one weight to another is good for the hands. I wonder if they have plans for some lighter worsted weight yarns…
I’m also looking forward to balling up the Red Rocks Superwash using my lampshade trick, and fiddling with some of that for Max’s heels. A full night. I guess it’s a new yarn, because their website isn’t up yet, but it feels very nice.
And then there’s that swatch of DELICIOUS Lorna’s Laces organic wool that I’m fiddling with (this stuff is so lovely to knit – but no photo yet…) I only have the non-dyed sample yarn – I can only imagine how amazing it will be when it’s dyed!
AND a summer top I ripped out last week (all of my Austin knitting for naught) and will try to reknit in the Tilli Tomas Plie (this is some beautifully knitting yarn – and it stands up to ripping out VERY nicely!)