I spent a good few hours going over a lot of new things that I saw or played with or experienced this past year, and here they are – things that affected me strongly, in a positive way, sometimes even in a knitterly way!
Number One – Signature Needles
My absolute favorite thing this year? It will be a disappointment for those of you who only like circs or wood/natural needles, but I absolutely adore long, straight metal needles.
Signature Needle Arts, a woman-owned company provides a product that you can self-design (pick your length, end and tip sharpness) Yes, I know they cost like smoke – and like most folks I don’t have any extra $$ to toss around, but I do feel that they’re worth it.
I do this for my living, so I am in a different boat than many of you (needles as a business expense – go figure!) but even if I didn’t, I’d save up and get these when I felt I was solvent enough. And they’re NOT for everyone, but if you’re a metal needle lover, you may have found your grail.
Absolute heaven.
They’re beautiful, they’re fast, they’re so shiny and slick and sharp. Woo! I have no affiliation to the company, and only wandered upon their website by accident, but I’m in love.
Here’s everthing else that I love this year. If I left something off the list, I’m so sorry – its possible that it’s just a memory lapse on my part, so please add to my list in the comments!!