When someone finishes one of my projects and sends me a photo, I join in the dance!
Here’s a shot of a beautiful woman at TNNA who gave me a hug and some kind words – and THEN I noticed she was from Maumee (I’m from Toledo – they’re next to each other…)
And THEN I noticed her groovy skirt! Right off the cover of Romantic Hand Knits! I totally forgot the rule about not taking photos, and I snapped a shot of her in the skirt. It was the first one I’d seen except for the one I’d knit for the book – and, I shouldn’t admit this – but until I actually SEE one of my patterns knit up I sort of only half believe that it’s ‘real’ So this was a stellar moment for me!
The skirt has fondly become known as, “The Butt Skirt” around our house because I have the sense of humor of a 6 year old. You’re all just lucky I don’t go into the fart jokes on a regular basis.
The icing on the cake? This adorable little shot of a friend’s daughter who is wearing a scaled down version of the skirt – and I’ve heard she’s very happy! She wanted the same skirt mom made for herself – and I am so proud!
Along the same lines, I teach a Mitered Handbag Class and – because the class is only 3 hours long I’m generally long out of town before anyone is anywhere NEAR finished with their bag.
A student from a recent class in Virginia (Hi Joe!) sent me these shots that she took of her bag pre and post felted. She, too, has a 10 tweener daughter to model her stuff. This made me SO happy – I always wonder if folks actually continue on with the projects we start in class!
First of all – thank you SO MUCH for all the suggestions about local hotel pools. I hadn’t even thought of that – but I will, now!
I’d thought the JCC pool would be good (the whirlpool) because it seems to be a small group that uses it – but on Friday Gerry has his first PT session and hopefully we’ll find more info on theraputic pools in the STP area then. Thanks, also, for the Sister Kenny suggestions! There’s so much I have to learn about this area!
You know, I got an email from one of the accountants I’d contacted and she mentioned that her fees for corporate clients average around $1,000 – and I think I panicked.
I’ve decided, however, after getting all of my tax ducks in a row that the best route is to do the Turbo Tax thing, which already seems rather intuitive to me (I’m a Quicken girl), then if I’m feeling iffy about the return I’ll take it to an accountant for a review. I’m sort of a geek, anyway, I love math.
And I feel that for various reasons it would be good for me to get my mind wrapped around the whole tax situation (assets, etc.) of our family now rather than in an emergency situation later…
Today was spent mostly on a doctor visit up in Maplewood – Gerry’s starting Zometa again (yay bones!) and tonight is the Hebrew School / Fencing marathon we call Wednesday Evenings. Then – yes – Project Runway. Ahhhhh. Gerry’s pretty knocked out – Zometa does that – but it also strengthens him so we’ll take the tiredness!
I’m working up that Yarn Place Bel Canto and I’m amazed at how quickly it’s knitting up! It’s probably the needles, but much of is the sheer beauty of the yarn.
We all know how much faster we work when we see lovely fabric coming off of our needles! (BTW, the needles in the previous post – as here – are Signature Needles. I also was using a Knit Picks wooden needle in the former image)