On Sunday I took me some ME time, which was very fun!
After spending the morning recovering, sitting on the back deck and enjoying the warm temps, suddenly it was 3:30 and I had to scoot over to a knitting group BBQ with my goat cheese and almond salad.
I felt as though I should arrive early because, well, I had the salad… So I showed up EXACTLY at 4:00. Don’t you love guests like me?
I knew I was “early”, but the day was spectacular so I sat outside and watched the show – nothing as exciting as a Minneapolis neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon!
I have no idea why I get shy like that, hanging back, not wanting to see folks when I arrive someplace. But it happens before classes, sometimes, too. It might come across as aloof, or – heaven forbid – snobby, but most of the time it’s an odd kind of shyness.
Finally I was discovered by my hostess – but there’s nothing like a chat with a 5 year old about dogs to erase any sense of shyness.
The day was stunning, Minnesotan’s basking in 65+ degree weather, and the group was so much fun! Who knew a little deck could hold so many happy knitters? I had two (TWO!) beers – obviously I have excellent taste as Blue Moon just won the World Beer Cup. I wonder if it was full of beer…?
I also ate a full plate of cheetos. Breakfast of champions. I was feeling incredibly indulgent, and I helped myself to some chips and a bison sausage. So good!
Then home – more knitting – but I’m at an impasse on several projects. I keep getting to a certain point, then I rip out because it just isn’t “coming” as easily as I’d like. I’m waiting for yarn for a few projects, and I’d really hoped it would show up before I leave for Portland tomorrow!
I’ve never been to Portland – or Oregon – and I’ve really been looking forward to the trip! I’ll be teaching at two yarn shops, alternating days, and giving a lecture on Wednesday night. The lecture is based on the book I’m currently putting together, my first time giving this particular lecture, so there are nerves involved with that.
I’ll be teaching at Abundant Yarns (who is also sponsoring the lecture) on Thursday and Saturday, and at Knit Purl on Friday and Sunday. Monday I fly home – woo!
The kids were sad when I told them I’d be going away tomorrow (they always act like they didn’t know I was going, even though I’ve been discussing it for weeks!) but I’m hopeful the weekend will be warm and nice and mom’s absence will be overlooked…
Gerry put together 100 sets of Flip Knits for me yesterday – they continue to sell quite well – so I’ll take a bunch with me to Portland. Better enjoy the chance to take books with me while I can, soon Northwest will begin charging for that second checked luggage bag, and I don’t know ANY knit teachers who can travel with just one bag…