I’ve taken a week off the blog – I didn’t mean to, but life has been SO busy here that the daily writing about how busy life is just got away from me!
The draft of Knit with Courage is off to the editor, I’ll be creating uncorrected partial proof copies to give out at TNNA in June to get a buzz going. It’s a collection of blog entries (edited into a more readable essay format) from 2007 outlining our family’s unexpected journey into Multiple Myeloma.
Yesterday we went down to Mayo for another checkup to see the “numbers” and whether Gerry’s had his “M-spike” yet.
Not yet!
His numbers look very good, some are so small they can’t be quantified, so we’re feeling in wonderful spirits.
We adore Doctor H! She’s funny, and honest, and believes in causing as little pain or discomfort to Gerry as is necessary. We asked the traditional, “So, how’s it looking for the long term, doc?” and got the usual response, “Who knows?”
Living day to day is not so bad, we’ll take it!
When I get more details on the book I’ll post them – right now I’m looking at a Sept 1 pub date (that’s Gerry’s 1 year anniversary!) and we’re on track for that. It feels good to get SOMETHING done this year (something besides basic survival!)
I also had some groovy MOO mini cards made up for the TNNA show in June which feature past class comments and my contact info – good to hand out to shop owners as I get classes set up for the next few years.
We went for a long walk at the dog park this week, and it probably wasn’t advisable. We’ve been loving the warmer weather, getting out a lot, but unfortunately we got a little – ahem – lost. So we had some extra walking to do, and it did a number on my already-hurt knee.
A few weeks ago when I was in Atlanta I dropped off my rental car and began taking my suitcases out of the trunk. While the trunk was up, a rental car employee jumped in the car and backed up – right into me – and hit my knee pretty hard. Dang.
It was an all time idiotic thing (WHO backs up a car when the trunk is up? Without checking behind you?)
I filed a report and figured the soreness would abate. I’ve been favoring that knee, though, and now my other knee is hurting so I’m seeing the doctor today to see what she has to say about it.
If any of my students in Portland wondered why I spent minutes standing on one leg, now you know. Contrary to popular opinion, it was not my homage to Hillel. Now you know why I was spending so much time in the soaking pool at the Kennedy School!
Today we’re getting a few windows replaced upstairs. They weren’t working (wouldn’t open, broken cords) and we suffered through it last year. This year we figured it was an improvement that would make our summer happier AND raise the value of the house. The 2 criteria for anything we do in the house. It’s supposed to hit 80º today, so it’s just in time!
Saturday Hannah starts soccer, Sunday I’m at Shepherd’s Harvest, then I fly down to Kansas City, MO the weekend after that. There’s been some confusion on my classes (caused by me!) so here’s the rundown of what I’m doing in KC at Studio Knitting & Needlepoint
Lecture: Knit with Courage, Live with Joy
5/16/2008 5:00 PM
Putting one stitch in front of the other is how we get through a project. It’s also how we can get through a life. The rhythm of knitting is far more than just a soothing past time, it can be a window to the workings of our soul.
By accepting that the worst that can happen when we expand our knitting horizon might be an ugly stitch – but a great deal of earned knowledge – we better understand that our mistakes and missteps in life – if wholeheartedly embraced and accepted – increase our wisdom.
Perfection is a false prize, joy is the goal and courage is the way to get there!
Cable Mania (Look Mom, No Needle!)
5/17/2008 10:00 AM
New Directions in Knitting With Color
5/17/2008 2:00 AM
Tips & Tricks
5/18/2008 11:00 AM