I always think of Autumn as the REAL start of the new year. It’s not a Jewish thing, it’s a school thing.
When Gerry and I had been married for a few years, he pointed this out to me. “Every September it’s like you always want to start a new project!” And that’s been the case.
The past year has been incredibly rough. So rough, I didn’t want to talk about it much to anyone, I just wanted to keep my head down and get through it.
It wasn’t a bad year – in many ways it’s been a pretty sensational year! But it’s been an incredibly taxing and difficult year. So I’m hoping my Autumn mojo will kick in and Sept/Oct 2015 will mark a departure from some of the rough patches of Sept 2014.
Maybe it’s having a new business begin to take off, at the same time as I have one kid getting used to college and the other going through the whole testing/application/grant seeking treadmill. Maybe it’s the ups and downs of Gerry’s health (which is miraculously good considering no one thought he would be here) but still takes a lot of physical and mental energy from both of us to stay on top of.
Maybe it was having one computer crash (thus losing a bunch of stuff that carbonite didn’t back up) then having another one stolen a few months later (thus losing even MORE stuff that carbonite didn’t back up – I’m finished with Carbonite – I’m doing my own backing up using DropBox now!)
That kind of thing can really mess with your mind – thinking that you know where a file is, then realizing that it’s gone forever is a kind of small mourning that happens over and over again.
Whatever the reason for this difficult, messed up year (and there is no single reason, it’s just … life) I doubt it will be changing any time soon. So I’m going to try to make a change myself.
I used to blog all the time, as I went for bike rides (another thing that I am not doing as often as I’d like) I would ponder blog content. I’d take a bunch of photos so I’d have ‘blog-fodder’, it was something that grounded me. When I look back on this past year I’m struck by how little I blogged, which is understandable, but I don’t think it helped. Blogging helps me keep a handle on what’s bubbling under the surface. Sometimes when I write it’s as if I turn my mind off and my hands are on auto-pilot, and I miss that feeling.
So I’m going to make an October resolution; I’m going to blog more. I’m going to find a use for all those photos I take, I’m going to pick up the online thread of my life with the accompanying cast of characters popping in.
Who knows, I may even do a podcast every now or then…
hi Annie. I totally get what you are saying. I posted to my own blog for the first time in a year too. Looking forward to more posts when you are ready!
hope happier thoughts come your way.
Hi! I can totally relate to the new year in the fall thing. I do hope you “new” year will be wonderful – and easy too.
so nice to read your words. thank you for taking the time . . .
looking forward to more frequent bikerides and blogs . . .
and Happy New Year ! giggles
Annie, it’s so great to see you’re back! And to see your kids suddenly all grown up. Isn’t life interesting?!
I’ve missed seeing your blog but can understand fully your desire to get back to it on a regular basis. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track and identify all those “little bubbles” below the surface. (I typed “little buggles” and wonder if that may be a more apt name for those things.)
Isn’t it wonderful that Gerry’s gotten to see the kids grow up so much? You two made some beautiful children and I’m sure having him around has helped them grow into themselves. Life can be good in small and surprising ways.
Please keep in touch with us and yourself. You’re a remarkable woman.
So very glad you’re back. You have risen to all challenges quite well. Life is messy, but always interesting & often instructive. You now have a good blog “mojo” feeling & we will all benefit from your very gracious sharing. Thank you for being brave. ..
Glad you are back to blogging. Looking forward to more.
So nice to see you back! Hope this year is way better.
I am happy you are starting this ‘new’ year with us.
I hope this next year is not as hard.
Your resilience is inspiring.
I’m so glad to see you back!! I knew the past year was a rough one and that your business was really taking off but the silence was concerning. I look forward to seeing you here more often. You are an amazing strong woman and an inspiration.