The last few times I’ve come up against a submission deadline* I have told myself, “NEXT time, you’re going to take time to do it right – you’re going to do what you used to do, swatch and sketch and love what you’re doing!”
I’d fallen into a bad habit of only submitting one or two things (when I submitted at all) because I’ve been so overwhelmed with work at ModeKnit Yarn, and the teaching I’ve ramped up this year.
But there’s a deadline looming for submissions on Monday, and this time I’ve taken the better part of a week to try to get it right!
Not that I didn’t do anything else this week (I did a buttload of skeining, a lot of dyeing, some fabric knitting and a few strategy sessions to plan the growth of our biz – slow and steady – not too fast to handle!)
But I set aside dedicated time each day for just sitting and THINKING. Designing. Playing with yarn and NOT berating myself for ripping anything out.
I’m trying not to judge myself too harshly. I’m trying to take my own advice.
For me, the hard part about this submission deadline is that it’s for several magazines at one go, and it seems that each one wants me to submit an individual sketch ONLY to that mag (even though they’re all under the same publication umbrella.) It’s so hard for me to figure out which sketch would speak to which description in the different “Calls for Submission.”
I’d love to find a way to let ALL of the editors see all of my stuff, so they could decide which speaks to then.
Maybe I’ll just Dropbox them and give all the editors the link?
I hate the thought that Sketch 1 might be perfect for Editor A, but I send it instead to Editor B (who doesn’t find it as appealing as I’d hope…)
At any rate, I was flattered and gratified to see one of my current designs featured in one of the submission calls! It’s a garment I really loved designing and knitting up, if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s the Garter Rectangular Jacket in the current Fall 2015 Interweave Knit.Purl magazine.
Tomorrow I head off for a weekend of crafting with some women friends, something I don’t do often (which I should do more!) I’ve promised to ONLY work on non-business knitting or sewing all weekend. Let’s see if I can stick to that!
*Magazines send out a call for submission, where they explain the stories they’re looking to create in the specific issue. They discuss color, silhouette, and also general ethereal qualities like mood, feeling and atmosphere. If I feel inspired by some of the images or text, I’ll work up a swatch (generally – but not always – I begin with a swatch) If I like the swatch, I’ll try to figure out how to use it in a garment. Or sometimes I work exactly opposite, and start with a silhouette, a period garment or a color scheme.
Annie, that jacket is beautiful! Bravo! I will get my hands on that magazine.