Everyplace I go I tend to forget something. Whether this is because I want to return, or because I’m just a scatterbrain is up for debate. In Ohio I left my steamer (got it back yesterday from Cynthia – yay!) In Dearborn I left my little zipper case of computer accessories, which includes my cable…
Author: Annie
Veni, Vidi, Vomit I came, I saw, I barfed
They call Cedar Point the “Roller Coast” and it’s true. We rode SO many roller coasters and thrill rides that by the end of the night I was dizzy and woke up with terrible speed induced heartburn at 2:30. I was on the very LAST run of the Skyhawk, a giant swinging ride that debuted…
Great Lakes, Batman!
Once again the Great Lakes Fiber Show was a homey, lovely, warm (okay, hot…) and welcoming place! My classese were filled with interesting women (folks in the midwest are much more fascinating than they think they are, which is part of their charm…) with a variety of knitting styles and lots of happy chatter. And,…
Ohio Drive
I do love Ohio. I can sense a change in the political climate from when I was a kid, and I don’t think it’s just because I was young then and now I’m not, but the scenery doesn’t change – beautiful. In fact, perhaps much of the mindless development that Chrissy Hynde sang about in…
Another Cheap Motel…
I’m a yarn floozie, see? I hole myself up in one cheap motel after another, doing unspeakable things with yarn, winding balls and knitting swatches and watching old movies on TCM. I can’t admit there’s a problem, but I can’t deny the string out the window attached to a ball of Touch Me. Geeze Louise?…
Smiles & Frowns
When I’m teaching certain techniques I tell my students that each purl st is really made up of 2 parts, a smile and a frown. While technically this is dubious (the smile and frown next to each other aren’t exactly from the same st, but each pur IS made up of 2 parts) it gets…
Substance Abuse
So here I am in Hamilton, Ohio – a town I’ve learned inside and out with just three quick drive throughs – and I’m teaching another nutty class of knitters who have all just learned to cable without a cable needle. Everyone is excited, I am happy, but I wish we’d get at least one…
Lambikins Hideaway
BaaaaI had the BEST day today – I LOVE Lambikins Hideaway! This is such an amazing and lovely shop – I’ve seldom seem such a rich and full selection. There’s room EVERYWHERE for the knitters, the lookers, the touchers and feelers, the yarn huggers and smellers (hi Laurie!) and even the yarn buyers – this…
Packing Up
Tomorrow I leave for a long 3 weeks, but Gerry and the kids will be joining me partway through for a week at Cedar Point and Mackinaw City, so it’s not as long away as it seems! I’m doing my last minute scheduling, checking the teaching dates, etc., and it was pointed out to me…
Mother's Day & Fairy Cakes
My DayMother’s Day was incredibly restful – coma-like, I might even say – and it’s exactly what I needed! I find that a week before I’m scheduled to go away I begin to hibernate, sleep a lot and rest, and I think it’s my way of storing up energy. Oh, who am I kidding? Given…