Or, rather, I get mail. I don’t know why I said, “we” – perhaps I’m feeling rather queenlike tonight. I get a lot of mail. A LOT of mail. I try to answer each piece completely (not just a “Hey, thanks for writing!” but something more substantial) It’s not always possible, but I try. Today…
Author: Annie
Egg Salad
My mother always said not to be good at making the egg salad if you don’t want to be the one making it for every reunion. Folks get it into their head that you’re Mrs. Egg Salad and you’ll be stuck forever boiling eggs and mashing mayonaise together with celery. My mother was the family…
I did so badly in French in college (and in High School for that matter – WHY did I keep tormenting myself…?) but I do remember that August was aoàut – Oooo. Everyone seems to be on vacation, or working harder than ever (hmmmm, I guess that equation DOES make sense…) so I find myself…
Critical to Evolution
I mean, women’s social rights are not critical to the evolution of democracy. We hope they’re there. I think they will be there. But I think we need to put this into perspective. ó Reuel Marc Gerecht, former Middle East specialist for the CIA, speaking on Meet The Press 8/21/05 For the past few months…
For Grumperina’s general eddification, here is my current worksheet. Just looking at this bad boy gives me a headache. Did I mention that I really, REALLY, like math? I have it set up so that by typing in one (ONE!) number and adjusting the fields at the top it will pretty much fill in the…
Meet My Good Friend…
… Ann Budd’s Handy Book Of Sweater Patterns I knew it was a good book and I’d used it before, but I’ve been practically sleeping with it as I set up pattern templates for the Men Who Knit book. Being on a Mac, much of the sweater wizard type software isn’t available for me. Besides,…
Instant Karma
A friend sent me this the other day. It is a lovely sentiment – excellent lessons to strive for – but it ended with one of those, “Send this to 0-4 friends for a nice day, 5-10 friends for a blender, 11-18 friends for a new car” or some such nonsense. I’ve hated chain letters…
Doors & Windows
I screwed up – I double booked. I hadn’t done this yet – and it was a mistake. One retreat contacted me for one date, then they emailed to firm up a second date. I, foolishly, didn’t read the email clearly and misunderstood. I thought they were cancelling one date in exchange for another date….
Okay. That’s just plain weird. Blogger ate my post. AFTER I’d published it AND had recieved a comment. Hmmmmmm. Let’s see if this one works. And, lest it go unnoticed, I now have one of those new fangled rss hookups (look up, to the right – there!) for you who like to have your blog…
I hadn’t been to the Cornwall Yarn Shop before yesterday – I wasn’t even sure where it was – but after visiting and teaching two classes there I will DEFINITELY go back! First of all, it’s a beautiful shop. Gail, the owner, has recently moved to a much larger space and is using it very…