Sick & Sicker… This week we’ve had everyone in the house with some variation on this fever/headache/sore throat thing that is ripping through the schools in South Orange/ Maplewood. Max was ill, then he was better. The he was ill again. As he was getting better, Hannah came down with it. Max is well enough…
Author: Annie
Pixie Update Still no Pixie. As the weather warms in our part of the country and our deep snow melts, Gerry and I hold our breaths. I so hope that Pixie is safe and warm and making some other family happy right now! Design Update I’m sending a bunch of stuff to IK today for…
The Silence of Tiny Bells Pixie has run away. She’s the little cat that we got last Thanksgiving when she was just a tiny kitten, and has become a constant companion for Hannah. For over a year Hannah’s gone to bed with Pixie in her bed, near her bed or in Pixie’s own tiny little…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXIE! Max is 7 today. Seven years ago I was at Mountainside Hospital in Glen Ridge watching the 2 hour Homicide while laboring to deliver my little boychik. Finally at 5:20 there was my beautiful 11 lb baby boy (and I had taken no meds, am I insane?) He was such a big…
Psych! I’ve received so many emails over the past few days asking, “Is your segment going to be on Knitty Gritty tonight!” or “I thought your segment was going to be on Knitty Gritty!” Not having cable, I don’t really pay attention to listings for non-broadcast channels, but apparently the description of a recently Knitty…
Booked It’s been so darned cold lately – and you may or may not know that my office is the former breakfast nook of our home, un-insulated – that I can’t really stand to be in my office for more than a few hours. My hands freeze, I get all hot and cold and I…
15 Inches? They are telling us that we’ll be getting 15″ of snow today where I live. Up to 3″ per hour. Maxie has a birthday party in the later afternoon – it’s local, just downtown near the supermarket – but if the snow starts in the late morning and we get 3″ per hour…
Check yer bucks I was listening to Morning Sedition this morning and when I checked their blog I read about a movement to write notes on US currency to protest Bush’s policies. Folks were checking their wallets and finding these bills – I, myself, found 2 dollars with BBM written on them (Bush’s Blood Money)…
Everyone’s a Critic Yesterday I was up in Scarsdale teaching and Gerry was out with the kids, leaving the cats alone in the house. Unforuntately, the litter box got pushed up against the wall so it was inaccessible. Yes, you guessed it, one cat (Butkis, we think…) was compelled to relieve himself outside of his…
Just Desserts A good friend sent me this link: HannahMax Baking What a riot – my kids will love this! Hack, Cough, Wheeze I finally went to the doctor and I have Bronchitis. So I’m on antibiotics and they’re sapping my energy and making me queasy, but I am feeling better and stronger and my…