Farther Along When death has come and taken a loved one It leaves a hole so dreadful and drear. Then do we wonder why others prosper Living so wicked, year after year… Farther along we’ll know all about it, Farther along we’ll understand why. Cheer up my sister, walk in the sunshine, We’ll understand it,…
Author: Annie
Waterless Weekend I helped a friend learn the ins and outs of Ebay/Paypal last week, and as a thank you she gave me the keys to her Catskill cabin for the weekend with the family. Woohoo! Okay, the bad news is that there’s no electricity, no water and you have to walk to an outhouse…
Back to the Grind Being on the road has it’s pleasures – one of the greatest is the fact that I’m not expected to produce the amount of work that I generally do when I’m lazing around at home. Actually, the expectations are all mine – mine and the bank that holds the mortgage… Back…
Coming Back to Life It always takes me a few days to unwind, pep up, get my rest and get used to the grind. It’s SO GOOD to be with the kids again. But oy – the childhood traumas of a neighborhood clutch of kids! Someone is constantly picking on someone else, someone’s in tears,…
Back Home Again! I’m finally home – and it’s so good to be here! I arrived last night at 8:30 just in time for Gerry to help me carry the stuff in from the car, then we both collapsed. He needs to leave by 3:00 am to be at work by 4:00 (he’s filling in…
Oh! Canada!! I’m in the land to the North tonight! I finished up at the Michigan Fiber Festival today and packed up the car. After goodbyes all around (‘bye Lynn!) I picked up my check and took off for Port Huron. I decided to drive home via Canada for several reasons: 1) I was going…
Hugs! Writing in my blog, then reading it later and getting comments is like getting a nice hug from a friend long distance – thanks folks! Today my two classes went very well! The first was colorwork – and although I didn’t have enough material to fill 3 hours (generally I teach it as 2…
Camping In Life in a camper is certainly different! It’s actually quite luxurious compared to the tents and yerts that have popped up around me – and it has built in radio (which I leave on when I’m gone because for some reason I’m freaked out to walk into a silent trailer…) Today Lynn arrives…
Arrival! I arrived in Allegan this afternoon around 3:00 after a detour through Toledo to visit my childhood home (they’ve put an addition on the back – it looks good!) I’ll be staying in a trailer with Lynn (of Colorjoy) and I’m headed out to Kinkos in Kalamazoo to get copies made, and then on…
Negligent I received VERY good news from my cousin, Jan, that a bone scan & several cat scans show that the cancer has NOT metasticized! We’re all overjoyed to hear it – I’m not sure if we could deal with the loss of another dear family member so soon! I feel that I’ve ignored my…