478* Ever since my brother died in late September I’ve had all of the siblings of the troops in Iraq on my mind. Like most of the Iraqi casualties, these folks didn’t ask to be part of a police action / War, but there they are. Or, rather, there they aren’t. It’s a tough day…
Author: Annie
Flu..! (Or an amazing simulation…?) I don’t know what I have, it’s been creeping along, mostly an annoyance and an energy stealer, but yesterday and today it’s tightened it’s grip on my chest and nose (and, oddly, ear) with aches, pains and pounding headache. And a fever. So I guess I have this thing –…
Home, & Cold… We got home last evening after an incredibly fast trip back from West Virginia – I’ve never arrived home so quickly! We left around 10:00 am and got in at 7:00 – woohoo! That’s including several potty stops (but no stops for food – we ate in the car). Our house is…
Design Process I keep thinking that there must be a way to streamline my design process, but it never comes to me. It seems to be – at least for me – an endless spiral of swatching, sketching, thinking, researching, swatching, re-sketching, re-swatching, etc., etc., etc., That’s the way it always seems to go. At…
Gifts! It crept up on me so quickly, but now I have gifts I need to do. Luckily I have a stash of gold wire bracelets that I made a few weeks ago for teachers, librarians, school nurses, etc. at Hannah’s school. I made a mad dash through Old Navy yesterday (they have the cutest…
Light Years Behind… Yes, I know everyone else has done this quiz, but here I am – bringing up the rear. I’m one of the few parents I know who feel that The Simpsons is required social education for children. I originally looked up this quiz this morning hoping to find Selma. That’s how I…
Missed Knitting Group… I can’t believe how the media is terrifying parents with this stupid flu. Is this happening everywhere in the country or just here on the East Coast? Well, I have it now – I don’t feel great, but I’ve felt worse. I skipped knitting group tonight because the last thing I want…
Design Assistance The kitten’s been helping me with my design submissions (she’s modling one crocheted bracelet while I scan another.) It’s due Monday – I’m late sending them out. Damn! This time IK’s asking for crochet submissions for a special Crochet issue as well as regular knitting submissions for the Fall 2004 issue. I started…
What a Sweet Punim*! Yes, he’s lost a tooth! He’s too young! – I’m not ready for this! My baby is losing his baby teeth!! Max, stop growing up (okay, keep growing up, but just do it slower…) Last night the potluck dinner for Hannah’s student teacher was very nice – good to see the…
Final Words On The Issue This is the last I’ll post about the dredded CC issue on my blog. I know that in this situation I was a kind as I could be, I tried to be fair and also handle it with a bit of humor. If others see it differently then I’m open…