Back to Knitting I love having several projects to dive in on – and I have a few real beauties right now! I also have to organize my notes for the classes I’ll be teaching and put together a nice booklet on toe-up socks for all of us to use at the retreat (that is,…
Author: Annie
Funny And here’s yet another reason why Gerry and I have so much fun together. He’s the funniest guy I know. We went to see Seabiscuit two nights ago – a very nice movie – and at one point the limping horse is led off of a trailor. The horse looked terrible, in great pain….
The Story I received a few emails – and a comment from Lisa – asking for details on the Public Radio connection. Here it is: When I received my MFA in 1992 I moved to Brooklyn and got my first job on Broadway as a costume assistant on the show, My Favorite Year Life was…
Ten Years! Well, it’s been 10 years today. Ten great years – better than either of us have a right to expect! We’re very lucky that we found each other – THANK YOU PUBLIC RADIO! A shapshot from our Hudson River Valley Honeymoon Burn, baby, burn!
New Yarn (for me, anyway…) I remember when I first learned to knit, back in 1983, and there were precious few yarns that blended animal and plant fibers. As a matter of fact, knitting with cotton was very difficult, there wasn’t much that I really enjoyed (except for a yarn called ‘softball’ which had a…
Busy! After the good news of several pattern & kit sales, interest from a few magazines in some of my designs and yarn company interest, too comes the down side of BEING EXCEPTIONALLY BUSY for a few days straightening everything out so I’m ready to sit and work. That, plus submissions to VK and FCEK…
Sign this Save Amina. Sign the petition to be sent to the High Commissioner of Nigeria protesting the scheduled death by stoning of Amina Lawal, whose death sentence was upheld on 8/19 for the crime of adultery, and all other victims of the new Sharia-based Penal Codes in Northern Nigeria. This shouldn’t happen to a…
Blackout It seems that there is no power anywhere in the NYC area but in South Orange. How did we become so lucky? Who knows! It’s allowed me to keep the fan on (still don’t have AC) and watch the lights dim every hour or so. Unsettling. The worst part about these crisises (crisiis?) is…
Back Home We’re home – just as we started unpacking it began to rain – and it poured – and POURED! Our kids were playing with the neighbors, Cole & Chase (who they’d missed dreadfully) and Atticus was playing with Nobu (who he’d missed dreadfully) and I was chatting with Nicole (who’d I’d missed dreadfully,…
Fish! Why it took us until the day before we left to fish I’ll never know. Actually – I do know. It took me this long to get my butt down to the store and buy a $13 fishing pole for the kids to share. We also fashioned one from a branch which worked just…