Computer and work-wise – I’m off balance. And because of that I’m going in circles.
Author: Annie
Rick Levine, do I need to get a restraining order..?
I’m feeling like I need an office again, and I just can’t stand the thought of kicking the family out. Mostly, I don’t have the resources to man the castle and keep the interlopers (aka Gerry, Hannah & Max) at bay. So I’m taking over my corner of the basement.
I am not Wonder Woman. I’m not sure I ever was. But I did feel pretty wonder-full for a continuing period of time. Designing, teaching, coping – I was doing a lot, and the fibro is probably the price I’m paying for it.
My Husband, The Genius!
I was heartened that there was one stout woman with white hair near me (we were about the same speed, but she had better balance) and other folks in the 8am class who did NOT look like Yogis, so maybe that would be the place for me. I felt a little conspicuous for my lack of balance and extra girth in the first class.
Soft in the Middle
What the hell is so special about that scarf. So here is one up “yours”!
JESUS CHRIST…just another pattern.
Walking My Bike
I’ve learned that one of the best ways to control fibromyalgia pain is through exercise, aerobic is better. The bike is the most enjoyable for me, it’s something I really WILL do, so I gravitate toward it.
Pondering In My Heart
Obviously I need to knit more. Or maybe I need to stir things up? Or maybe I need some dispersant? However you spin it, this fibro-depression is lurking just under my surface like a 300 foot plume.
My health is nose diving again, whether it’s another fibro flare up (which it feels like) or what, I’ll be dedicating all my energies to TNNA over the next week and won’t be blogging. I will post more about Ireland in a bit, but right now typing, knitting, just about everything hurts. Bike riding helps…
At Long Last, Ireland (Pt 1)
I’m ashamed to admit it, but yes – I did have my “Outlander” moment when I desperately wanted to hear some of the stones buzzing. No such luck. But sitting quietly on one of the stones as the sun rose was a bit of a time-travel experience in itself.
Shameless Plug
Yeah, yeah – I’ll get to Ireland, honest! I just need to push the product today and pay some bills…