Off I go again, driving to WV (Marietta, actually) and then later in the week off to Memphis. I’m going to try to do the whole trip on one day, we’ll see… Thank heaven for Tom Tom. I feel as though I’ve put my emotions on auto-pilot, necessary right now, just getting through this so…
Author: Annie
Mississippi Knitting
All the tiny details of daily life are hard to corral together when I travel so much. I get home and I just begin to feel as if I’m in the swing of life again when it’s time to fly drive again. I was knitting on the Mississippi this weekend, and it looks like I’ll…
Paris Movie
I put together some of our photographs and small films in a movie of our time in Paris – enjoy! Burn, baby, burn!
Quel Voyage!
I’ve repeated all of the reasons why this trip was a mistake to myself over and over; it was expensive, it was the wrong time, Hannah is too young to ‘get it’ … But having weighed everything, this trip was a BARGAIN for the amount of self enlightenment that Hannah and I have both experienced….
Le KFC, s'il vous plait!
Finding decent wifi’s been difficult, today we’re at the famous KFC near the Pompidou center, where the music is loud and the teens are louder… Hannah wants to leave in the WORST way, so after checking my email (all answered!) and putting up some more photos (yes, I can get them up now) we’ll flee…
Still No Photos
The street on which sits our hotel Notre Dame Hannah sez: “You lookin’ at me?” I can’t really find a wonderful internet server, so I can’t get photos up onto my blog. I’ll post a buttload later, but right now I’ll just blog! After the haircut and meal on Saturday we ambled over by the…
Nous Sommes Ici!
We’re here! Right now I’m in the Frog & Rosbif, where there’s good beer and wifi and I’m on the phone via skype with Gerry. Yay! Life is good! The internets aren’t as fast as I’d like, so I’ll upload photos referenced in this post later… I just took some lovely photos of my knit…
Leaving Paradise
The bags are packed, the ride to the airport is arranged and appropriate knitting & crochet’s been selected for the trip. We’re ready. Hannah’s upstairs, trying to sleep. I’m making her go to school tomorrow, but she’ll leave early and we’ll catch our plane at 3:45. Direct flight, baby – then it’s cafe au lait…
I would NEVER identify myself as a Conservative…
…but I have many friends who are conservative. Good friends, good people, people who – like me – want the best for our nation and our children. My own political leanings are evident to those who know me, but I also hope that it’s clear I have respect for those who may hold different views…
Very Sad
Gigi, our big, fat, wonderful black cat, had been missing since Thursday. Today we found her under the hedge where she had passed away – from what we have no clue – but whatever it was it seems it was peaceful. There were no marks or signs of any trauma on her, she just looked…