Author: Annie
I knit weird and I enjoy showing others how to find the joy and intuitiveness within their OWN knitting!
We don't knit to make THINGS, we knit to make OURSELVES HAPPY!
A Different Kind of Email
Sidenote to Beth: I just finished Bottle #3, I cannot thank you enough and if I could have another kid I’d name her Schlafly (for the beer!) I received a question today that is something that I address in classes, so I figured I’d write it out in the blog in case anyone else could…
Humor, Me
In case you have never met me, or haven’t taken a class from me, allow me to explain that I use HUMOR to teach. I tell jokes. I make fun of a lot of things in my classes including myself and sometimes – if a student is up for it (and only if a student…
Hang It (overreaction?)
I’m home, thank heaven, but I’m thinking of going on hiatus from teaching for a bit. After I fulfill my current obligations, I don’t think I’ll be taking any more classes on for a while. Time off is needed. I’m feeling quite raw. Different shops and areas seem to have different personalities. This was my…
Worry is haunting me, and it has NO business being here. Begone, worry! I will fight you with the tremendous power of crochet hook and knitting needle! First, Gerry definitely has shingles, the rash has made it’s appearance. Ouch. The doctor said there’s nothing to do but keep taking the anti viral, but it seems…
Stoned on Mother's Day!
On Friday I carried home 900 pounds of rock. Gerry and I acquired 380 pounds in the afternoon, We drove to Leitners, picked out the stone and put it in the car, then drove home and carried it from the car to our backyard on our cart. But 380 pounds wasn’t nearly enough. So Hannah…
Level Ground
The new windows are in, life is great! We are definitely a low or no AC kind of family, we like ceiling fans and loved our attic fan in NJ. Getting one here may be down the road, I’m a believer in the power of the attic exhaust fan. It’s kind of a question of…
I’ve taken a week off the blog – I didn’t mean to, but life has been SO busy here that the daily writing about how busy life is just got away from me! COURAGE!The draft of Knit with Courage is off to the editor, I’ll be creating uncorrected partial proof copies to give out at…
Goin' to Kansas City Kansas City, here I come…
Wow, life goes so fast, huh? I just got back from Portland and in two weeks I’ll be flying again, this time down to Kansas City! [more about that below] Portland was amazing, and I’m hoping to teach at some local venues when I return in September to teach at the TKGA Knit & Crochet…