Wow, I feel like I’ve been on a 3-day bender! I had no idea that I’d be so affected by the altitude, but for a few days I did NOT feel much like myself. Not that I’m not often light-headed and giddy, but I’m usually not SO light-headed and giddy (and tired, and dehydrated, and…
Author: Annie
Falling for CAP
It’s fall – Autumn in Minnesota, which is exceptionally beautiful! And the best part, I got to share a bit of our lovely MN crispness with Laurie!! I picked her up and brought her home on Wed for dinner, she met Gerry & the kids & Atticus & the cats. Atticus & Hannah are BOTH…
Since last November, when I first heard of it, I’ve been making small loans through Kiva – an non profit organization set up to facilitate micro loans to small business people, mostly in the third world, who could flourish if they just had a little help. I feel strongly about this – and also about…
Max's Sock
Max’s sock in Austin, 10:00 am Max & I took Shiloh to the vet today for his final kitten booster shots & his worming medicine. He’s a full POUND heavier than he was 3 weeks ago, and he’s adorable. Photos later (when my battery charges) Max’s sock in Chicago, 2:00 pm While sitting in the…
Mess Not
I only saw one “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper sticker this time, and only one “W” window tag, which was light years different than the last time I was in Texas. That was back in May 2004, when my mom was sick. But then again, as I’ve been told numerous times this weekend – there’s…
Make Yourself At Home
Hey Blog Readers – I’m in Texas, traveling, and trying to overcome the side effects of a non-smoke-free room [cough] before I head off to my classes at Yarnivore. I’ll be posting again tomorrow – until then, enjoy Donna Druchunas’s post about her new book, Ethnic Knitting Discovery, and make her feel welcome here chez…
Didn't Even See It Coming…
Yesterday was a loooooooong day. It ended with a Shiner. Excellent Texas VintageThe folks in my classes have been among the best I’ve taught! Engaged, funny, lively and VERY quick with the knitting. They pick up concepts as fast as I can throw them down, and their passion for knitting – and for life –…
Stella the First
I’m loving this dog here. It’s Suzanne’s dog, Stella, which means Star. And, being in Texas, it’s a fitting name. She’s an independent sort of dog, she knows her mind. She likes food, tolerates love, but lets you know when she’s had enough. I respect that in a pooch. I would be fearful to get…
It’s 5 in the morning here in Austin, TX and I just can’t sleep. I have this overwhelming sense that something is on the horizon, but I have no idea what it is. Obviously, the best way to deal with it is to get rest – yet here I am, writing! And listening to my…
Big & Bright
So here I am (Yeehaw!) in TEXAS. Yeehaw! Some of my luggage is – ahem – delayed. NOT lost. Just delayed. Just taking a little side trip through the Denver Luggage Spa, n’est ce pas? Yeehaw! That almost rhymed. I’m staying with the owner of Hill Country Weavers, she’s run to get barbeque while I’m…