Worry is weird – obviously we’re not starving, and we have enough equity in our home to take out a home equity loan to add a bathroom for Gerry. Gotta love the equity.* BUT, we’ve worked for 20 years to GET that equity – and we realize that the way things are going we may…
Author: Annie
Finding Things
St Anthony, St AnthonyI’m calling you todaySo you can help me find my[insert lost object here] RIGHT AWAY! And the A-Man (A-Saint?) came through! I found the keys in a box of books – who knew? YAY! Which means I can get into my mailbox, and what did I find? A Buttload of mail! Thank…
The Running of the Poodles
I did two things this weekend that I haven’t done for a Looooooong time! Calvin & Atticus doing what Poodles do BEST! BACKYARD COOKOUTWe had such a wonderful visit with friends this weekend – and it occurred to Gerry and me that we hadn’t actually BEEN to anyone’s house for a cookout type thing since…
Things That Grow
The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and – the best part – the temperature is in the upper 70’s. I can take just about anything but heat – I hate it! Right now I’m in heaven. Walking the kids to camp ever day we pass so many amazing gardens! Beautiful yards, plants, flowers…
Perfect Fit
For a knitter, good fit is prime. There’s that great moment when a finished sweater is tried on, the sleeves are long enough, the waist fits, the neckline sits at the right place; life is good! I feel like I’m wearing that sweater today. Today was a wonderful day – wonderful in the sense that…
Generosity, Foolishness and Horse Sense
It’s so hot – the kind of days where women in corsets used to faint and horses would droop in their stands. Sometimes they’d be overcome with the heat and expire (the horses, not the women – or, maybe the women, too.) And, of course, when your horse is dying and you still need to…
Time Out & Time In
I’m running away today – I packed my two little bags and I got as far as the local Caribou Coffee (which was, quite honestly, my destination…) I’ve settled in, a cup of tea, a scone – and later a frosty chocolate drink – and 3 hours later I’m still here, getting more work done…
Clarify (& Justify?)
Cancer isn’t fun. It’s rotten, mean and sneaky. Cancer may seem horrible – and it is on many levels – but in one of those insane ironies it’s also been an odd kind of blessing. It’s forced us to see how lucky we have been (and continue to be) in our lives. Things are not…
The Long Run
He looks like Gerry, he sounds like him and has the same sense of humor – but I have the nagging feeling that it’s not really my husband sitting in the kitchen or lying next to me in bed. I want to shake him – “Who are you, and what have you done with my…
This is a shot from the playground next to the high school at Randolph & Hamline (I don’t know the name…) just as a soccer game was being called due to lightening. What a gorgeous evening this was. The sky here in Minnesota is absolutely beautiful. Watching the clouds is better than watching a movie…