This past Sat & Sun was a celebration of Romantic Knit corrections from my tech editor (actually the corrections come in the form of questions, much like Jeopardy) and I have to answer them in a timely manner. Here are the rules: – I have to be nice.– I have to look up any math…
Author: Annie
House Sick (yet..?)
More kvelling. We’re getting finished with the details in the house – actually putting AWAY some of the stuff would be a nice gesture – and I have two mounds of work in front of me for the weekend. And a special shout-out to Marni for sending me a scan of the IK article –…
It’s really hot. Hotter than it’s been in a long, long time. It’s supposed to get up to 103 today (will feel like 115, so say’s Janet Huff at WNBC, and I trust Janet!) A good day to crawl into a hole. But it’s beautiful, finally, in LA, I’m so happy for them. Seriously, I…
Queen Midas Syndrome
GGh Lame YarnQuite often when I travel and teach I’m asked by folks, – “Does it ever get old, knitting for money? Not being able to just knit something for you?” I answer, truthfully, that I feel like the luckiest person in the world (for many reasons) and consider it a great gift and blessing…
The Painters Are Gone (temporarily…)
But not forgotton – They’ve pretty much finished up in all the rooms but Max’s, and they’ll be coming back to do that room when we’re able to empty it out and get it ready (right now it’s the recepticle for all the furniture and books from the other rooms – lucky Max, huh?) The…
So Much For The Manicure!
I did some brief painting this morning (I had the brilliant brainstorm to paint around the windowsills, doorways and above the floorboards so that when the paid, professional & skilled painters painted the trim we’d have the hard part done. Then later when we go back to paint the room we won’t have to do…
Woodwork Glistening in the Sun
It’s hard to work when the house is in upheaval – and we are in UP-friggin-HEAVE–ALL these days due to the fact that we’re painting the entire interior of the house. Oy. Every room is filled with crap from some other room, it’s like all of the rooms are cheating on each other, and it’s…
Life is Beautiful
. . . and here are the kids to prove it . . . This is the picture on my desktop right now – it captures both kids extraorinarily well! Gerry’s set up the latest Operating System on my mac, so have the updated V2.4 of Mail for Mac, and that makes me VERY happy!…
99 and 44/100% of the Projects Are IN!
Tonight I go to bed for the first time in months at a decent hour – not staying up until my eyelids droop, knitting in my sleep and quietly fretting that I’m not getting enough done. Today I sent off 3 of the last 4 items for Romantic Knits (the last item is a pair…
Breathing is Highly Overrated
I haven’t written about my lung sturm und drang lately because it’s just been so beside the point, but with the hot, hot, and humid weather it’s been a little overwhelming. I’ve noticed that when I’m away from NJ for more than a week, my breathing is much better – and when I come home…