Something I’ve discovered in my travels with yarn and designing, is that those who work hard, knit from their heart and are open to new ideas are always ready to praise someone elses work freely. They get it – they see the work, and even if they don’t always love the design concept, they can…
Gears & Shifting
The Knitting With Wire Book is coming along beautifully – I’m so loving working with the wire and gorgeous beads! I’m in a zone where the designs are coming to me clear and fast, it’s a wonderful place to be. Often I feel stifled, clogged, then the congestion in my design brain will fall away…
Apparently we have a hive somewhere on the property, because we’ve had the fourth (count ’em, fourth) sighting of the e-vilest insect on earth around our house. I’ve only seen one, mind you, and that was after the kids (and the neighbors kids) came screaming into the house that we have a HORNET in our…
This weather is insane. I’m sticking to everything like a kid with a lollipop, oy! Yesterday was spent putting together teaching proposals for TNNA – I’ll send them out later today, and it’s wonderful to have a sponsor for some of the classes I’m offering. Wahoo! I’d love to go back out to San Diego,…
Is it just me…
Or does anyone else feel a jolt of recognition when they see the bus kiosks for Charlie & The Chocolate Factory? Here’s how I see it… Burn, baby, burn!
Good Stuff
Yesterday was a day of amazing good stuff – one of the coolest days I’ve had in a long time! First, I woke up and my family were all healthy, happy and rarin’ to go (except for Gerry, who slept in, and deserved it!) The kids made their beds, made their breakfasts and brushed their…
Computer Angst
I haven’t been able to send mail all day from my regular email – – so I’ve been using Gmail. If any of you have been waiting for a note from me, I’ll get it to you, I promise! The truth is, I’ve outgrown my computer. It’s a first generation G3 and I have…
Short List
So I went to my new doctor yesterday, who I like very much (a Russian Woman) and after hearing my list of symptoms over the past 3 years she, too, thinks that Lyme Disease is a #1 susptect. She took a blood test and would like me to have an MRI, but we need to…
The absolute best thing a designer can hear is that someone is happy with their finished garment. Believe me, we knit designers carry a large burden of guilt because we feel responsible when someone purchases yarn (which is usually not cheap) and spends vaulable time working up our patterns. Because hand knit designers usually write…
A full and rich day of editing – and soon out to dinner at our favorite family BBQ place (mystery shop, sshhhh) The weather today’s been amazing – wild storms, lightning, then the purest, sweetest air and lovely sunshine. It’s supposed to be a scorcher tomorrow, so we’ll probably end up at the pool –…