Bottles of Water and a Tin Foil Jacket I feel as though I’ve just finished a marathon – and I didn’t even carbo load before! When last I wrote I was in Encinitas, feeling much better and preparing to drive up the coast to LA for classes. Somehow in my nyquil/theraflu induced stupor I forgot…
Better! I went to bed yesterday at 3:30 with Nyquil, was up and down at various times taking other stuff (coldeze mostly, and some sore throat stuff, and a LOT of tea and the chicken soup) and now I feel MILES better! I’m leaving in a few minutes for my classes today – my only…
Ill Of course I’d get a bad cold. Last night dinner was so wonderful – amazing, really! The beach, the surf, the excellent steelhead (a fish I’d never had before) but by the end of the meal my nose was running like a sieve. I woke up at 2:00 with a dreadful sore throat, aches,…
Get the Moving Van! I am in love with Encinitas. Today I taught (actually lectured) at the North Coast Knitters Guild in Encinitas. Last night I stayed at a lovely hotel right on the ocean (well, sort of “on” the ocean, I have an ocean view) and just had a spectacular day! I am loving…
Neglect Hey Folks! I’ve been neglecting you! Not because of pique or laziness, more because I haven’t been near a computer to write an entry! So I’m taking some of my time before I leave for LA/San Diego today to write a bit about TKGA/CGOA Fiber Arts Market. I stayed at the Scanticon, which is…
FinisLast night at 6:35 I dropped the last two months of the Crochet Calendar (on disk) into the FedEx box and drove home happy. Now to start on 2007. I knit all day – what a luxury – and with a few deadlines looming, it’s a necessity, too. But on a snowy, sleety, rainy day…
SleepLast night felt so good – I got home, did a little knitting, and then slept like a sinless child. Nice. On these evenings that are chilly Atticus (now that he has his Spring haircut) wiggles his way under the covers between Gerry and me as we’re sleeping, and I’ll awake in the middle of…
Pattern Copy Editor Found!Thanks to those of you who’ve written – I’ve passed your email addresses on to Accord, and they’ve told me that they’ve contracted with one of the applicants to edit the calendar. Woohoo. This is heaven for me, because we all know how detial oriented I am! It’s a gorgeous day today…
Pattern Copy Editor Wanted The folks at Accord Publishing have asked me if I know of any good crochet copy editors, so I thought I’d send a shout out asking if any of you detail minded and pattern savvy crocheters are interested! My part of the job is (almost) over – compiling, editing and formatting…
Light At The End! I’m 4 months away from being finished with the calendar – hallelujah! I think I can polish this off by mid-week, which would be lovely, because I have a really cool sweater that is due on Friday (and it’s a kick to knit up!) Next weekend:3/19 – I’m teaching at Yarnivore…