Basking I’m in a good place – I’ve been on TV, lots of folks are writing to say they enjoyed the segment, but not having cable I haven’t actually had to witness myself on the tiny screen. The email response to my appearance has been amazing – thank you to everyone who’s written or posted…
Better But I will never drink Diet Pepsi again. After a lot of green tea, water, and pretzels I’m feeling much like myself again. Amazing how dizzy I became (and stayed!) over the past day or so. Who would have thought? I don’t really drink much (maybe a glass of wine a month) and don’t…
Nicotine Poisoning Here’s another one for the Oh, look, another stupid thing has happened to Annie file. Today at Camp Wellstone we were working in our small groups (ironically, as you will see, on a proposed children’s health initiative) and each group was called one by one out of the room to meet with other…
Weekend Away!This weekend I’m taking part in a training session for grassroots activists known as Camp Wellstone in New Jersey. I feel very lucky to be able to go – and since it’s nearby I won’t have to stay overnight anywhere. Each day when the training ends I’ll drag my tired little (!) body back…
Breaking the Wall I’ve finally broken through and I’ve sold a sweater to Vogue (mild applause) which is the first I’ve sold them in almost 15 years. Woohoo! I feel legitimized by my inclusion into another major knitting magazine, I hope that the design and sweater turn out well! The deadline is very soon (March…
Delay This morning at 5:30 we got the call that schools were delayed 2 hours. God bless the woman who made the calls! It’s lovely here – snow everywhere and the streets are clear – but it’s supposed to be VERY cold this weekend. My first class last night was cancelled in the Spring Session…
Neverending GoryI swear, whatever this thing – this la grippe, viris, flu, bad cold, bad attitude – whatever – is, it has the staying power of Hal the computer. I live well for a bit, eating right, walking and doing yoga, then this thing comes back and I’m flattened for a week. My joints ache,…
March 7 I’ve heard that March 7th is the date for my Knitty Gritty appearance. I’m terrified – don’t relish seeing myself on the small screen (but I don’t have cable so it won’t be a problem) but I’m also very excited! I woke this morning pondering why in this go-round as a knit designer…
Rounding 2ndI’m not in sight of home base, but I can feel that I’m getting closer with the calendar. Hooah! Fun Knitting for ME!I mentioned that I’m working on a boy’s sweater – and I’m also doing a matching girl’s sweater. The most exciting part is that they’re going to be for my own two…
Indian Spring I was up at 6:00 this morning – Gerry had long gone (he leaves for work at 3:30am) so I sat up for a bit, listening to The Twelve Caesers and working up a swatch for a brother/sister fair isle & cable set that I’m doing for IK. I let the dog out…