Just Desserts A good friend sent me this link: HannahMax Baking What a riot – my kids will love this! Hack, Cough, Wheeze I finally went to the doctor and I have Bronchitis. So I’m on antibiotics and they’re sapping my energy and making me queasy, but I am feeling better and stronger and my…
Bribes I used to hate the thought of bribes and kids. I guess bribe is a harsh word, though… I don’t like it when parents pay kids money to be ‘nice’ to relatives (I’ve seen this…) or kids come to expect $$ for pulling their weight around a house (cleaning their rooms, making beds, brushing…
Fun With Snakes No, this isn’t a reference to my Fundamentalist WV family (non of whom have EVER handled a snake, thank you very much…) but a nod to the Minoan Snake Goddess from Crete. She’s inspirational to me – and she’s one of the first designs that I’ve worked up for Historic Knitting (egads…
Swatch Day This cold, grey, awful, wintery, wonderful day I will sit by my fireplace and knit swatches! I’ll swatch for the history book, I’ll swatch for the men knitting book, and I’ll swatch for some new submissions. And I’ll sketch, too. With a cup of tea and a book on CD, I will retire…
Committed The response has been so great for the Men Who Knit & the dogs who love them – it’s gratifying! I’ve even had a few yarn companies contact me because they like the idea and would like to participate. Happy news indeed! I’ve posted a page outlining what I’m looking for. I’ll have this…
Deadline-apalooza This is the time of year when several knitting magazines have their deadlines, all within two weeks of each other, and corresponding to several yarn company deadlines, too. How I Design When I receive the design packets from the editors, which are meant to give an idea of the thrust of the editorial for…
Over! I just took the tree out to the curb, vacuumed up the needles and put away the lights. I don’t think I’ve ever cleaned up after Christmas so early, but a rearragement of our living room made it impossible to manouver with the tree – and I was getting antsy to get it put…
Please make a contribution to help Indonsian Victims Gilded Age We’re living in it. This economy has hit like a tornado in our area – and, I suspect, many areas across the country. For those not raised in the midwest, when a tornado hits it’s not the wind that causes the damage as much as…
Last Minute Life Yesterday was spent at the kid’s school – in the morning Maxie’s class had an “Author’s Breakfast” where the kids read books that they’d written and the parents kvelled. Max, I am proud to say, got the biggest laugh when he read his book, “Likes and Dislikes” – apparently he doesn’t like…
Silence = Busy Sorry I’ve been so blog silent – it’s that silent night season, I guess! I’ve been burning the midnight oil along with the yule log (actually, our fireplace doesn’t work so I have a cool candelebra in our fireplace that I light for atmosphere) but however you slice it, I’ve been busy!…