Past Master mistress…? I remember a few years ago during a class in Judaism a woman Rabbi who I greatly respect (one of the first in the American Conservative movement) used the term, only have jokingly, “Ovular” in lieu of the word, “Seminal” I used to think that folks who were so hung up on…
Off With His Head! I just watched the beheading of Charles I of England about 4 times. I get that way when I have a history tape or DVD, I watch it over and over and over again. Poor Charles. I have to admit that the period of English history from the end of Elizabeth’s…
I AM 14% WHITE TRASH! I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box. Take the WHITE TRASH test at I’d have to say this is…
Tis the week of Hanukkah… Outside of the nice children’s story of the 8 days of light from 1 days worth of oil when the Temple was being rededicated in 167BCE, here’s a nice, concise piece on the background of the Maccabeean uprising. We use Hanukkah to teach our kids that sometimes it’s important to…
if (objAdMgr.isSlotAvailable(“messagingunit”)) { objAdMgr.renderSlot(“messagingunit”) } Burn, baby, burn!
5 Minutes… I called into Air America this morning and confessed my sins in the liberal confessional. My sin was that I went off on a woman who’s giant SUV sported the bumper sticker: Thank ME for your Tax Cut I voted for BUSH I thanked her alright – for taking away my kid’s future….
Note: I will not be at Starbucks tonight! New Pattern Here it is! The Chullo Hat I showed before (thanks, Larry, for the real name of the hat!) And there’s time to make a few before Christmas for the kids-of-any-age in your life! I know that those of you who are solely knitters are probably…
BLoglines? Hey, can anyone explain to me how this works? I guess I’m registered, but I think I’m missing a big part of the puzzle. Once I register, do I have to do something with my blog to hook it up? Do I have to change my template or turn something on? I’m on blogger,…
I’m Back! With Gifts! I don’t know why I let days go by without writing! I’m very busy working on the calendar, which is a great deal of fun, but as I’m sitting at my computer for hours upon hours you’d think I’d take the time to write! First of all – thanks so much…
Wear Orange I feel voiceless. I feel that the US media, with precious few exceptions, isn’t covering the big story. I feel that free speech is in danger. It’s an odd time. So I’m wearing an orange ribbon – anyone want to join me? I’ll send these out for cost – which is about 63¢…