The Good, The Bad… I received the kindest email yesterday from a person who’d bought my book and squirreled it away. She finally got around to reading it recently and felt empowered and supported by my main theme – there is NO wrong way to knit. Thank you so much, JF, your email has made…
What a Lovely Break! I had such a lovely Thanksgiving! Our friends Andrea and John came by, their two kids – Ian and Erin – are Hannah and Maxie’s best friends, and a swell time was had by all It’s so much easier to have the dinner and share the food cooking, etc. Andrea is…
Turkey Countdown We usually don’t have folks over for T-Day, so it’s exciting to me to plan a meal that we’ll share! I woke up dreaming of 55 things to do with noodles (maybe I shouldn’t admit to that on the internet…) and wondering how cooking a ‘fresh’ turkey will differ from the usual frozen…
Okay, enough is enough… Sorry about the week hiatus. I needed some time to just veg and not write about it. I think I’m experiencing exhaustion overload from the past few months, plus facing the holidays for the first time without mom is daunting. We’re having some good friends over for Thanksgiving, their two kids…
Funk There’s no getting around it – I’m blue. Ever since the week before the KR Retreat I’ve just been so low energy and in a sort of funk. I’m glad the weather’s been lovely – it’s a nice break and it does raise the spirits, but I just feel very low. Burn, baby, burn!
Call for Submissions Yes, more, MORE – I WANT MORE!! Mwahahahahahahahaha! Okay, I’m back. I’m working on another book (this is in addition to the crochet calendar) which will be a collection of essays by knitters, crocheters and other yarn artists whose world has been strongly affected by their craft. I get a lot of…
My other America is a Democracy… Something new. I’ve devised a way to deal with my feelings and share the haunting sense that more folks agree with me than the opposite. Here is another way, a map I created, my own artistic interpretation of the election results. Yes, I realize that this is map number…
Warmish I have a low grade fever today – it spikes, then it diminishes. I’ve had these fevers since having Lyme disease in the early 90s – when I start to get ill they come in waves, generally the strongest fevers are between 4pm – 7pm (as is true for children…) So today my fever…
Counting the Days You may have noticed the button to the left – I’m canvassing for submissions to a Crochet Pattern-A-Day calendar that I’m putting together for Accord Publishing. They did a wonderful Knitting Pattern-A-Day calendar for 2005 edited by Paulette Lane This will be along the same lines, but for 2006. My deadline for…
Back and Rested Generally when I go away for a teaching weekend I steele myself, reserve my energy a few days in advance and run on adreneline while I’m teaching. Then when I get home I crash. This time, while I was in VA for the Knitters Review Retreat this past weekend, I did try…