Leaving L.A. Tonight I take that big bird East on the redeye. I sound like a 70’s crime drama. Speaking of 70’s, my friend who works on That 70’s Show let me go on the set last night and took a few shots of me in the “basement” and the “kitchen” Reading Tiger Beat magazine….
The Adventure Continues! Today I attended the Dr. Phil show – the topic was “Is your child a serial killer” – lots of yuks there. Pretty dismal, actually, and disturbing. They confiscated my bag – no books, printed matter or anything else could be taken in. They wouldn’t let me take my little ball of…
On Set! I’m waiting for my closeup! I just had my makeup done, I’m in a new shirt that I bought last night at Target (LOVE Target) and looking pretty snazzy! We’ve rehearsed the segment several times, plus my extra stuff on cabling without a cable needle and changing colors by using the tail to…
Lazing in Redondo Beach Yesterday I met the Knitty Gritty folks – the producer I’m working with, Stefanie, is so nice and the staff is incredibly hard working! We went over my segment and some other things that I’ll be doing (cabling without a cable needle, etc.) and just sat around and had a beer…
California! I got here yesterday – woohoo! The friend I’m staying with is so kind, and her daughter is so lovely! This place is beautiful – as soon as I arrived yesterday I got a cup of coffee, went to the beach and just sat for a bit and regrouped. Yesterday I had the nicest…
Loose Ends! I’m spending most of today tying up loose ends, finishing pieces for the show, trying to put together work to take with me on the road. Flying is a lot more complicated than driving when it comes to packing! I’m taking a bunch of my stuff in a big box, taped shut. I…
Another Week… Monday – yet another week – week… The kids are on the bus, I’m working through the morning emails and getting todays shipments ready. I have several projects to complete before Wednesday (I leave Thurs morning) and have decided that instead of shipping a box of stuff ahead I’ll take it with me…
Drug Trash Yesterday was a whirlwind of hurry up and wait… Long periods of boredum punctuated with screaming panic. I had a doctor’s appt to check my blood pressure. At this point I should tell you about the health thing my husband has signed us up for – you pay each month to belong to…
Wraps! I had a flood of creativity yesterday afternoon – probably the huge VOGUE that I bought last week finally catching up with me. I love seeing the couture garments and envisioning ways to recreate them as knit garments. Here’s something I’ve been working up for Hannah that I’d like to extrapolate into a grown…
Rain, rain… It was absolutely INSANE this morning with the rain! I ended up driving the kids a block to the bus stop (and having another kid and a parent pile in the car) to wait in humid dryness for the bus to arrive. Now it’s stopped raining and it’s lovely outside. Go figure. I…