Settling Back In My feet touch the ground, then they’re off again. The ankle is healing very nicely, all things considered a much more minor sprain than I thought it was. I started watering the lawn today just in time for a thunderstorm to roll in. My mind is in 100 places, divided and hard…
OUCH!! I twisted my ankle – it hurts. OUCH! Yesterday I had my aforementioned meeting with a literary agent and it went quite well – I like him, he seems like a good guy and easy to talk with. He also had some good ideas and interesting ways to approach my writings. Mostly I appreciated…
You like me… You really like me… I have always loved Sally Field – and I loved her more because of her Oscar speeches. I know how she feels! I just got a sweet note from the Supervising Producer of Knitty Gritty telling me that “the grassroots campaign” has worked, and also mentioned that her…
Am I Hip Enuf? Deb A. sent me this link to a new show on DIY network, Knitty Gritty with the comment, you should be on this show! So what do you think? Am I hip enough? (excuse me – enuf) My gut feeling is that i’d make a great guest, but I may not…
Letdown I think it’s the exhaustion, but I felt drained and rather blue today. Just sad – lots of driving, lots of thinking. I know I’ll have to go through a lot of sad time in the next few months, but this was a rough day. In many ways I’m glad I was alone for…
Greetings From Columbus I’m writing from the back offices at the Columbus Hotel, where I”m staying with Rose (who will be opening her shop, Yarnivore, in Brooklyn later this year) It’s 4:00 am and I can’t sleep. Insomnia has been a problem for the past few weeks, but tonight it’s really taken hold. Combination of…
Scents After my hysterectomy [lost a few readers there] I seemed to have lost my sense of smell. I don’t know if it was hormonal, but food had very little taste and things just didn’t have a smell. That has changed with a vengence. I’ve been noticing it over the past few months – especially…
TNNA! I’m going to TNNA. I have a need for some driving time, yet again. I’m not sure why I like it so much – perhaps it’s because while I’m actually driving a car nothing else is expected from me. I realized this on one of our car trips with the kids when – upon…
Bragging I sent off the tablecloth yesterday – I’m really happy with how it turned out! Drying behind the garage Pressed and on the table Today I write up the instructions for it – thank heaven’s my office is air conditioned!!! Burn, baby, burn!
Timing is Everything “…it helps to continue to practice your classes in other venues, particularly any events that provide a similar teaching atmosphere. In my personal opinion, without this practice, it is very difficult to compete against some of the Stitches ‘old favorites’, who have been with us for many years…” The above is from…