Set the Table! I’ve finally finished a rather large project I’d been working on for a few weeks. It’s a big knitted tablecloth that actually has very little knitting (in comparison to the size of the cloth!) I’m not entirely finished – I still have to hem the darned thing and press it out. It…
Inertia I had a class on Tuesday, Wed was the non-meetup meetup in Livingston (so great to see my friends) and tonight I had a private student who is a gifted and intuitive knitter. I think she’ll be joining the Tuesday evening class, which is terrific because she’ll be a wonderful addition. I did some…
Back to the Old Grind! Old Grind, New grind – I’m having a hard time telling the difference! Back to the tablecloth for Melanie’s next book – plus a wire project which will be a LOT of fun! Still waiting for the shipment of books (I’m definitely going with a new printer next time!) and…
Finally Home I’m finally home, and so happy to be here! We arrived home last evening after driving all day – Gerry, his mother and the kids in the red hyundai, Atticus and I in the green one. We won. The dining room is filled with boxes that I need to sort through and put…
Does She or Doesn’t She… For the first time in my life I’ve dyed my hair to hide the grey. In the past 9 months I’ve become much greyer than I had been, but I kind of liked the look of my Perry White temples and I chalked it up to hormonal changes since my…
Planning This will have to be short as I’m on a public library computer in Parkersburg. I drove up from Texas on Sunday, stayed overnight in Jackson but was dismayed to find their local Kinkos had no macs. Then on to Nashville where two more kinkos HAD macs, but they had recently ripped out all…
Mable Anna Williams Modesitt May 24, 1919 – May 22, 2004 There’s not much to say tonight. I sat with mom all day today, she was in constant pain and in and out of it throughout the day. Late in the afternoon I realized she had been bleeding profusely, probably due to a return of…
Sandwich, anyone? I’m officially a member of the sandwich generation. My mother and my son both wear pullups, with all that implies. Mom seems to be settling into the nursing home quite well. She slept for most of the day, she still has pain but not like she did before. She loves her Vicodan and…
She’s In Today was an odd one – Mom’s settled into the nursing home in Rowlett, TX and seems pretty happy. All day I had this feeling that I was taking my daughter to college to meet her new roommate. This feeling was exacerbated when I went shopping for a twin quilt for her bed,…
Reality Shift I’ve spent the past few days getting my mother over a bad case of – well, for no other term, diaper rash. There’s nothing wrong with the hospital she’s in, but they just don’t have time to spend hours with one patient making sure they’re clean, they get to the bathroom regularly, they…