Crow-Shay Well, enough gloating over the book (I know you’re all a bit tired of it!) and back to my knitting! Actually, today it’s crochet… I’m working on a piece for IK’s Crochet special issue – a child’s sweater – and I think Hannah will be the model for it (woohoo!) She loves that. She…
Kvelling Talk about your great mornings! I stopped by Wendy’s blog during breakfast and found this amazing review waiting for me – this has made my year! Knowing (and loving) the blogging community as I do, Wendy’s comments mean so much to me. I have tremendous respect for her as a knitter and as a…
Beautiful Day! Max and I practically skipped to the bus stop today, it was so beautiful! Oh, man, it’s about time! I reworked the pages for the book – I really opened up the text, spread out the content. I figured as long as I had to redo much of it to send to the…
Great Quote! I’m still pricing out my book to smaller publishers (POD publishers and digital publishers) but I got a really nice email from a designer/writer I’ve admired for a long time with a different kind of great quote which she will allow me to use a lovely quote in my pr and on the…
Happy Birthday… Yesterday Jim would have been 45 – Happy Birthday Jimmy! Books I’ve heard back from a few readers who would rather have the wire spiral bound version of the book (with the latest corrections) than the perfect bound. Well, folks, cafepress has a 30-day return policy, so it’s 100% fine with me if…
First Wholesale Order Well, I just sent out my first wholesale order of the book. I’ve been getting some really wonderful comments – positive and very helpful! Here are some notes I should let you in on: ï As per Emma’s review, the heading and subhead fonts have been changed from Typo (script-y) to SchoolText…
so po’d I could spit! Oh man, what a day. On Monday Gerry parked his car on the driveway in front of our house (instead of back behind the house by the garage where we usually park…) The next morning he discovered that some annoying vandals had opened the passenger door, riffled through our glove…
Proud Mommio posted her finished ballet neck cardigan – oh baby does that make me proud! When I design a sweater and it’s published, I always wonder about the ‘afterlife’ of a pattern. Sometimes knitters will tell me they’ve knit up something I’ve designed, and at times I even run into folks wearing one of…
My First Review! Emma is the first to review the book – and I think her comments are right on the money. Her criticism is valid and very helpful, and her comments are overall quite positive (which I love, of course!) An errata page will be up later today – and, beauty of publishing on…
Small Press Fair This weekend in NYC there is the Small Press Book Fair – what timing! I’m going to hear Fern Reiss speak on Little-Known Tips on Finding a Literary Agent, Successfully Self-Publishing and Creating a Bestseller. This is especially coincidental, as Deb Robson of Nomad Press (founded by P.G. Roberts) just recommended Ms….