Final Words On The Issue This is the last I’ll post about the dredded CC issue on my blog. I know that in this situation I was a kind as I could be, I tried to be fair and also handle it with a bit of humor. If others see it differently then I’m open…
Lots of heat – any light? To answer a few comments… I don’t think it’s complicated either, Debra – I contacted Amy yesterday morning. She told there was nothing she could do about it. I didn’t ask that she remove the design – as a matter of fact in my email to her I stressed…
Which Twin Has The Toni? The one on the top is in the new issue of Knitty. The one on the bottom is a hat I designed two years ago, have published on my blog, have shown in many of my classes and for which I sell a kit on my website. I don’t for…
When I was a girl… I used to walk 12 miles to school, uphill both ways, in 24″ of snow! Now I just have to get my husband to shovel through the snowdrift piled up by the plow in order for me to get to the Newark Museum to teach my class! It was an…
Non-Meetup Meetup I forget how much fun it is to just hang out with my knitting buddies and be silly – and I LOVE Cosi! It’s so great – lends itself much more readily to sitting and having a nice cup of coffee than Borders (although Borders is terrific, too – but it’s getting rather…
Non Meetup Meetup For various reasons – mostly illness or family illness – I haven’t made it to a Knitting Meetup or non-Meetup Meetup for weeks! I miss the yarrrn pirates (ahoy!) but I’ll be seein’ the blaggards this evening at Cosi! Looking forward to it – yahoo! I intended to spend the day working…
Sleep… I’ve been so tired lately – again – I think it’s the change in routine as much as anything else! Yesterday I re-knit a section of one project several times (THAT’S when I know I’m tired…) then after Brownies – where I was so exhausted I almost lost my voice – I came home,…
Bike! I never, not in a MILLION years, imagined that I’d be up at 6:00 going to Toys R Us to buy ANYTHING the day after Thanksgiving. It’s against so much of what I believe in – yada yada yada – I’ve made it a point NEVER to shop the day after Christmas. However… Max…
Thanksgiving Poem I was inspired by Marcia’s Blog to write a little poetic post for today! Irving Avenue Thanksgiving This year our celebration’s low key We’re not travling on this day potatos, stuffing, beans and turkey (I can get more knit that way!) Most food’s been cooked the night before Except the bird and dressing…
Happy Thanksgiving-Eve! My mom sent me this amazing e-card by Jacquie Lawson, an English graphic artist. I’m usually not the biggest fan of the e-card genre, but this one is exquisite! Click on the turkey to see the animation I love seeing cool stuff like that! The artist has a series of beautifully animated cards…