Beer makes you knit faster Just finished a really CUTE pink sweater for Berrocco – I know that at this point I shouldn’t be doing my own knitting (I should hire knitters to work for me) but I can’t seem to let go. I need to find some knitters who want to knit for $$’s….
Check out the artist Germaine Koh and her large knit piece… Burn, baby, burn!
Revolution Evolution? While knitting this evening I was watching NOW on PBS and have been inspired by Ralph Nader to write to my congressfolk to tell them that I want them to support campaign finance reform. Apparently along with so many other important things it’s in danger of falling by the wayside because well –…
Another perfect day in South Orange, NJ! This not having health insurance is for the birds. I’ve had a strong pain in my side for the past few days – I think it might be adhesions from my surgery – but the doctor is not a possibility at this point. Actually, I will give her…
When the weather is this good I can do ANYTHING! Today is the open house at the Creative Arts Camp where I teach – we’re doing an original production that the kids have written and I’m SO proud of them. It’s kind of a Harry Potter meets Into The Woods – I’m just finishing up…
Take my hand – I’m a stranger in paradise! This is TOO funny! While perusing Kat’s blog I ran across the Russian Composer’s Identity Test. After taking the test I discovered that I am – ta da! Aleksandr Borodin! My absolute favorite composer (well, I’m a lowbrow, what can I say…) I love his first…
Will you not take me to Funky-Ville? Why doesn’t blogger every remember me? Is it my breath, something I said – ? I worry too much about this. Today I funk out and start some new weird, wild and non-discussable projects. Knitting with stuff that god never intended knitting needles to touch. Still waiting to…
J’ai Fatigue My worst fears have come true – I’m sucked into Big Brother. This is intense. I hate these people – they’d rip me apart if I were in that house. Weird. Actually – I’m turning over to NBC to watch Scrubs, so I guess Big Brother doesn’t have my soul (yet) I want…
You know, I could spend WEEKS working on this blogger thing. Productivity, schmoductivity – that’s what I say! Today was a great day teaching, then I fled to the Short Hills Mall for a brief stint of shopping (haven’t felt like doing THAT for a few months!) Great sale at Chicos – I got a…
Well, I’ve taken a deep breath and I’m okay with the whole moving deadline thing. It gives me a bit more time to get some of my better designs back from previous submissions and reswatch them (if necessary) in a more suitable yarn. Right now I’m ready to concentrate on Kids Stuff – I’m so…