I’m trying to get across to the kids this holiday season that it’s best for us to support the stores in our community, because those stores are the ones that employ their friend’s parents, and other friend’s parents work at businesses that are supported by the local stores. We’re very lucky that we live in…
Okay, Cancer, You're Officially At The Top of the List
And the list ain’t my Christmas list. It’s the list of sh*ttiest things that can happen to folks. And you, Cancer, are at the top. Number one, numero-uno, Primo. So after my own brush with Ovarian nonsense (I’m the luckiest person in the world, my tumor was caught in a pre-cancerious stage – I’ve heard…
At least now I know…
I could survive for 57 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by Bunk Beds.net Well, it IS funny… Sort of. I stayed in bed until 9:00 with this wretched cold, but no velociraptor was in sight. Gerry’s in bed, he’s been aching and hurting for a few days, although I think…
Staying Put
I’m Twittering… Follow me if you’d like!* I’m also staying put. I am not driving to WV, I am staying here in St. Paul. It’s for various reasons, mostly health (mine and Gerry’s) Mine is just an annoying cold – but I feel ratty enough that a 16-hour drive looms large against the horizon. Gerry…
If I Were 20 Again…
I was idly thinking, “What would I do if I could start a totally new career, as if I were 20 and fresh as a daisy, right now?” There are so many things I’d like to do – to have done. These are the tops on my list today: Really buckle down and BE a…
Microblogging: Sunday, Nov 30 2008
I’ve been twittering. This is how I feel my day is going 6:27 am: Woke to lightness in room, realized it had snowed.6:32 am: Rose, put on PJ bottoms and shuffled down to kitchen6:35 am: Put on oatmeal (in crock pot) and put tea kettle on6:36 am: Let dog and cat out6:38 am: Let dog…
Showing Off
I got to show off a lot last night; I showed my house off, I showed off my cooking (mixed results) and most important I got to show off my friends to each other. What a lovely evening – just wonderful! We wanted to have some friends over, but I know from experience that the…
Giving Books for the HolidayOr, Can In Interest You In a Little Heresy?
Okay, we all know that I have no problem tooting a horn that has my name on it. I’ll toot anyone else’s horn, too, but I’ll be certain to wipe off the mouthpiece. Or I’ll use my own. I used to play trombone – one more thing you probably didn’t know about me… So Kim…
The Traditional Thanksgiving Snake
Maybe it was the cut ends of the Brussels Sprouts? Or the gallons of potato & apple peels? Maybe it was the celery ends? Whatever it was, our disposal is clogged. It runs, it creates a whirlpool, but the water ain’t going NOwhere. Various fixes were tried, including Gerry’s foray with his snake (he looks…
Fun Sounds
Here are two fun sounds for the holiday First, me doing a Turkey Call. I discovered I could do this when I found myself at a Turkey Shoot in Gallatin, Tennessee in 1982. Don’t ask. Next, a little tune that Norah Gaughan and I whipped up on our favorite luxury fiber. I added the instrumental…