Wow, life goes so fast, huh? I just got back from Portland and in two weeks I’ll be flying again, this time down to Kansas City! [more about that below] Portland was amazing, and I’m hoping to teach at some local venues when I return in September to teach at the TKGA Knit & Crochet…
Home Gifts
I’m Home! And I brought Bee-eer! When I looked out the window from seat 9F and saw Minneapolis/St. Paul, I cried. (No, not because it snowed this week!) I loved being in Portland, and last night Vancouver was very nice, too. But there’s nothing like home! I tried to remember gifts for the family this…
Last Night on the Columbia
I drove up to Vancouver for my last night – it’s much smaller and seems quieter than Portland, but it’s quite lovely! I’m at the Hilton, and had dinner at the McMenamins restaurant on the Columbia (salmon & beer, FABulous! Just look at that Amber Wave!) My legs are achey, my arms hurt, my back…
So Tired, So Happy!
I have had a few most WONDERFUL days, I’m loving Portland, LOVING the weather here (rain or shine, I like them both!) and I’m thoroughly enjoying my students! What an exciting, intelligent, intuitive, intellectual group of women I’ve met here – and I’m only half finished… I taught at Abundant Yarn on Thursday – two…
With Feeling…
ABUNDANT YARN ROCKS!!! And I am LOVING Portland – what a fabulous place! It is by far one of the COOLEST yarn shops I’ve been in! The space is large and light and beautiful, the selection is so wide, it’s like walking through a rainbow! I could hardly keep my hands of the yarn, and…
Feels like it's raining all over the world…
I arrived in Portland today after a nice, non-rushed packing and walking Max to school day. The flight was uneventful, the Portland Airport is very easy to navigate, and now I’m here. And it’s raining. Perhaps it’s because I spent the flight editing blog posts – several of which I’ve put together as part of…
Lettin' Loose!
On Sunday I took me some ME time, which was very fun! After spending the morning recovering, sitting on the back deck and enjoying the warm temps, suddenly it was 3:30 and I had to scoot over to a knitting group BBQ with my goat cheese and almond salad. I felt as though I should…
Geeze am I tired! We had SUCH a lovely time last night – the seder was abbreviated, but nice (I’m sure our guests didn’t think it was abbreviated) In comparison to a hard-core seder it was like a 30 second ad spot vs. a half hour informercial. The timing is the hard thing – the…
Gefilte Queen
I made gefilte fish! Gerry went shopping for it and couldn’t find it anywhere. So I asked, “How do you make it?” and he told me what his parents used to do. Grind up fish and cook it. “I can do that!” I thought, “So why not give it a try?” A bit of time…