Gerry’s been saying for months that he just wished he could get ON a bike. He kept saying that riding a bike, as counter-intuitive as it seems, would be easier for him thank walking. I smiled and said, “Yes, dear…” but didn’t really believe it. He’s been spending a lot of time working on the…
Coming Up!
I’m home – I got home late, late, late last night, crawled through the door at 1:45 am. But I liked waking up home (with a little red-headed boy in bed between his Daddy and me – heaven!) and being in my own room is a special joy. Yay. I missed breakfast Sunday because I…
Main-iac Street Yarn
The folks here are nuts – in the BEST possible way! I’d forgotten how much I love this shop! The folks here are just crazy fun, happy, nice, and always make me feel like family. This, on top of such a warm and dear reception at Whole Nine Yarns last night, I feel like it’s…
My Daily 2-Mile Walk
Yesterday the weather was so icky that I had Max ride the bus and I didn’t take my normal walk. I also had a bit of a runny nose, which I didn’t think was a cold, but I didn’t want to take any chances. All day long they’d threatened that we’d get snow – and…
Doing Well, Doing Good
Yesterday was the Blood Drive at our temple, so Gerry and I volunteered to help shepherd the doners through the process, and had a very nice day. Gerry doesn’t get out as much as he’d like – for obvious reasons – and I had thought this might be a wonderful way for him to connect…
Why I Love Folks in St. Paul
Update: Hattie, thank you SO much! I’ll be in Atlanta this weekend, but I’ll definitely come again! And we sold the bike! Huzzah! This morning it’s snowing. And the weather guy on the radio said, “We could have it worse, we’re actually pretty lucky… They got 2 feet in other parts of the state!” And…
The hardest thing about this whole adventure (for me, at least) are the folks I’ve started calling Hyper-Hopers. They’re folks who say, “Gerry WILL beat this, the doctor’s aren’t always right! Don’t lose hope!” They desperately NEED for me to jump on the Hope Train with them. When I run into someone like this, I…
MomThe official Heaven & Earth Mover™ of the Landy family
We just got the call. She’s in. We hadn’t expected to hear this soon – we’re stunned! I think the Breakthrough program is just the kind of challenge that will give the next few years a structure and focus which will allow Hannah to concentrate on her future. And make Dad’s health issues easier to…
A Corner of the Basement of One's Own
Since we’ve moved here last Feb I haven’t had any kind of office-ish space. I’ve taken over a corner of the living room where I work, and the front porch where I stash most of my yarn and finished projects, but I don’t have a PLACE for me to work. I’m thinking that might be…
My Blog
I’ve debated turning off the anonymous option for comments, but haven’t up to this point because often folks choose the anonymous option because they think they need to have a blogger ID to post. You don’t, you can choose to post under any name you like. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to turn it off,…