Gigi was absolute MADE for this holiday. Which is why the dear young lady will be staying IN tonight (a black cat is just too much of a temptation for some on Halloween!) Last night as I was wrapping up to go to bed Gerry came downstairs with Shiloh dressed as – An American Girl…
Altitude Hang Over
Wow, I feel like I’ve been on a 3-day bender! I had no idea that I’d be so affected by the altitude, but for a few days I did NOT feel much like myself. Not that I’m not often light-headed and giddy, but I’m usually not SO light-headed and giddy (and tired, and dehydrated, and…
Falling for CAP
It’s fall – Autumn in Minnesota, which is exceptionally beautiful! And the best part, I got to share a bit of our lovely MN crispness with Laurie!! I picked her up and brought her home on Wed for dinner, she met Gerry & the kids & Atticus & the cats. Atticus & Hannah are BOTH…
Since last November, when I first heard of it, I’ve been making small loans through Kiva – an non profit organization set up to facilitate micro loans to small business people, mostly in the third world, who could flourish if they just had a little help. I feel strongly about this – and also about…
Max's Sock
Max’s sock in Austin, 10:00 am Max & I took Shiloh to the vet today for his final kitten booster shots & his worming medicine. He’s a full POUND heavier than he was 3 weeks ago, and he’s adorable. Photos later (when my battery charges) Max’s sock in Chicago, 2:00 pm While sitting in the…
Mess Not
I only saw one “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper sticker this time, and only one “W” window tag, which was light years different than the last time I was in Texas. That was back in May 2004, when my mom was sick. But then again, as I’ve been told numerous times this weekend – there’s…
Make Yourself At Home
Hey Blog Readers – I’m in Texas, traveling, and trying to overcome the side effects of a non-smoke-free room [cough] before I head off to my classes at Yarnivore. I’ll be posting again tomorrow – until then, enjoy Donna Druchunas’s post about her new book, Ethnic Knitting Discovery, and make her feel welcome here chez…
Didn't Even See It Coming…
Yesterday was a loooooooong day. It ended with a Shiner. Excellent Texas VintageThe folks in my classes have been among the best I’ve taught! Engaged, funny, lively and VERY quick with the knitting. They pick up concepts as fast as I can throw them down, and their passion for knitting – and for life –…
Stella the First
I’m loving this dog here. It’s Suzanne’s dog, Stella, which means Star. And, being in Texas, it’s a fitting name. She’s an independent sort of dog, she knows her mind. She likes food, tolerates love, but lets you know when she’s had enough. I respect that in a pooch. I would be fearful to get…
It’s 5 in the morning here in Austin, TX and I just can’t sleep. I have this overwhelming sense that something is on the horizon, but I have no idea what it is. Obviously, the best way to deal with it is to get rest – yet here I am, writing! And listening to my…