I have lost my luggage. Damn. It was a rough day – delayed flight; the mad dash through the Detroit airport to make my flight (with – literally – 1 minute to spare…) and then my luggage is lost. LOST! Dang. But worse things can happen. I imagine it’s on some desert island somewhere whacking…
Thanks so much for all of your very kind notes, comments and bits of advice. Sometimes advice is overwhelming (you know when you’ve sent too much) but often it’s on target. I’m happy to get advice – it’s easier for me to read it in a post on the blog than in an email –…
Man Proposes
Today was rough. We met with a doctor and social worker at the U of M’s Bone Marrow Treatment Clinic, they discussed treatment options (really, only one option) and their words reinforced what we’d read – but not really digested – before. The average survival is more than 3 years after the disorder is diagnosed,…
This Memorial Day kind of snuck up on us – it seemed to me that I would be expecting just a regular weekend, and it turned into a ‘holiday.’ But because we’re not a traditional 9-5 family, holidays don’t have the same oomph that they used to. I may be feeling so lackluster because my…
Heart-to-Heart at 6 am
We’re doing okay – but we had to have an honest talk with ourselves about the $$ we’ve socked away for the kitchen, and what this coming year may bring. We were lucky enough that when we sold our house we ended up with a small pocket of cash we’d earmarked for the kitchen redo….
At Last!
You know how sometimes when you’re leaving for a trip, and it seems that just as you’re about to get in the car you remember something you forgot, which leads to remembering something else, and so on and so on. You finally get the car completely packed, and as you’re pulling out you realize you…
Needles & Pins
So today I went off to my doctor, who is also an acupuncturist, and had myself pinned. I figure if it has to do with needles, it can’t be all bad! I wanted to try this for my asthma – I’d heard it could improve things, and with the stress lately my COPD‘s been getting…
A couple of weeks ago Max went to a birthday party where each child was given a caterpillar in a cup with food to last it until it created a cocoon. Max was pretty excited about his, and named it “Max Jr.” on the assumption that it was a boy. Before we read the instructions…
It's that good.
The History Channel is running a series on the States in the US. Tonight one of the states profiled was Minnesota – fun for us – prominently featuring Garrison Keillor (rumor has it he lives near us – I’m probably wrong about that – but we don’t live far from the Governor.) At the end…
This is post 1,000. Who knew? I’ve made a decision – and it was a rough one, but one that must be made for my sanity. I’ve been fretting the past two days over submissions, and this time I’m just going to forgo them. I need a bit of a break – I need to…