It’s been a while since I’ve put up a video. But I’m having a heck of a time loading onto Youtube, so until it shows up there, here’s a link to some video on m own server. I’ll add more if I can afford the bandwidth! The holidays were great. I’m still recovering, still basking…
Both Ends
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Candles, originally uploaded by modeknit. When both of the ends of the candle are lit, it’s hard to write entries in the blog. It’s been QUITE a week – lots of work, lots of…
Slightly Ridiculous
This will be the THIRD time I’ve started this blog entry – the last two times I had to shut down my computer for various reasons without saving my entry. FABulous. So instead of the wordy, chatty post that I’ve tried to write, I’ll just post some of our holiday images and you can enjoy…
I ♥ Jon Stewart
and I don’t care who knows it! Yesterday was a fun day – a tiring day, but a fun day! The Daily Show was AMAZING! My ears are still ringing from the rock music and the roar of the crowd, the staff there was so great, and Jon was – well – he’s pretty great….
Resting & Dealing
DealingI arrived home to so many boxes, letters, contracts – all kinds of things that needed to be dealt with! I have several sweaters that need to be knit, or swatched for knitters, so I have my work cut out for me. Some gorgeous stuff from Lorna’s Laces arrived, and as soon as I get…
Unwinding at Home
I’m home. I missed this so much, sitting in my own chair, kids reading or playing with cars & k’nex and Gerry with the paper. This morning Hannah climbed into bed with us – what a nice hug. I noticed last evening when we picked up the kids (they went to a movie while Gerry…
I need to move it, move it…
I’m sitting on my butt at the Safari Inn, enjoying the peace, catching up on email and IMPROVING tremendously my cabling handout (my apologies to my class last night – you are the last class to get the OLD handout!) Actually, it was the class last night that inspired me to change the handout –…
After a VERY early morning flight on Monday from Tulsa to Houston and then on to LA (check out the moon in the morning stky) I arrived in LA yesterday and picked up my rental car and high-tailed it to Burbank for rehearsal. Stefanie, our producer, was a great cheerleader, making us feel so positive…
Staff of Life
As I mentioned a few posts ago that I find the backbone of every good yarn shop I’ve visited is the staff – and that’s SO true of Loops! This is a LOVELY shop – it has such a great selection, lots of good price points, a great variety of yarn and LOTS of wonderful…
Thumbs Up!
Whether I’ll be sporting a thumb cozy, or whether my thumb will be camera ready by Monday, I’m off tomorrow for Tulsa and further points west! Thanks so much to all of you for your commiseration AND good suggestions. After an evening of soaking in very hot epsom salt water (note the unique soaking mechanism…